Bethel No. 1 Arlington, Virginia 

Where girls GROW, learn to LEAD, 

and SOAR to greatness!

 Building leadership, inspiring confidence, creating memories, AND making friendships to last a lifetime!


Bethel No. 1, part of Job's Daughters International, provides amazing opportunities for young women. Centered around leadership training, community service, and peer mentoring, Job's Daughters supports girls today as they become the leaders of tomorrow. Please learn more about us by viewing our events calendar, photo gallery, and other pages! 

Interested in learning more about us? 

Contact our Bethel Guardian: Andrea Baez @

 This website is not the official Supreme Guardian Council Job's Daughters International website, and the information that appears here is the property of Bethel No. 1 of Arlington, Virginia. It is therefore not sanctioned by the Supreme Guardian Council. If you would like to visit the official Job's Daughters International website, please click here: www.jobsdaughtersinternational.orgJob's Daughters word cloud courtesy of